Business Planning and Project Planning
Whether a start up business looking to fund and manage its development or a going concern seeking growth funding for a new development, a clear plan is vital. This is not just to demonstrate to others that you’ve thought your business through, it’s also to prepare yourself with clear targets and milestones.
We can help you with all the stages of preparing a business plan, working with you to create a well constructed document . . . . remember – it’s your business and your plan – our role is to help you present it clearly.
We have a successful track record in preparing business plans for activities as diverse as offshore oil contracting, the hospitality industry, telecommunications and the IT sector.
Business Plan Preparation
Project Planning and Scheduling
We have extensive experience of project planning and scheduling including several years of managing major subsea construction projects for the offshore oil industry in several international locations.
Several of our business planning assignments have continued past the preparation stage and into an implementation phase, acting as an interim management resource to help deliver the plan.